School Development Plan
The Christ Church CE Primary School Development Plan is an annual plan written each academic year running from September to July.
The plan reflects our vision and values, aims and goals for the future. It prioritises actions and developments following the school leadership's evaluation of the previous year's academic performance of pupils as well as the wider provision offered by the school.
Each plan is developed following discussions with our stakeholders including staff, pupils and governors. Our School Development Plan, linked to the Ofsted Inspection Framework areas, sets out the key priorities for our school.
2023/2024 School Development Plan Objectives
Area of Development | Objective | ||
Quality of Education |
Embed the teaching of phonics and early reading and promote 'Reading for Pleasure' across the school.
Develop the consistency of approach to the teaching of mathematics between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Strengthen the assessment cycle to encompass teacher professional judgement and internal/external moderation to ensure judgements made about pupil attainment and progress are secure. |
Behaviour and Attitude of Pupils |
Improve attendance (and punctuality) for those pupils deemed to be persistently absent.
To review the existing Behaviour Policy and implement a carefully thought out whole-school approach to behaviour management. |
Personal Development | To ensure that all pupils access broad and enriching learning opportunities beyond the classroom. | ||
Leadership and Management |
To ensure all subject leaders are leading their subjects effectively and that all documentation is consistent and understood by all staff. |
Early Years | Strengthen the outdoor learning provision in EYFS. | ||
Christian Distinctiveness / SIAMS | To review and enhance the Christian Vision and Values of the school ensuring that Christian distinctiveness, spirituality and our vision and values run through all areas of the curriculum. |