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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Governors' Maintenance Fund

Christ Church Primary School is a Voluntary Aided school, which means that it is only partially funded by the Government. To bridge the gap in funding, the Governors have set up a fund known as the “Governors’ Maintenance Fund”.

A school such as ours is always in need of essential building maintenance and improvements, and it is one of the Governors’ responsibilities to plan, budget and collect the money required.

The Government have made Voluntary Aided schools, like Christ Church, responsible for paying at least 10% of the costs of any building maintenance and major works/improvements from the Governors’ Maintenance Fund. The Diocese of Southwark will then provide the remaining 90%.

This means that every £100 you donate to the Fund is worth £1,000 to the school. In addition, if you are a UK taxpayer you can Gift Aid your contribution, which means the school can claim a ‘free’ 25p for every £1 you give at no additional cost to you, which is also spent on maintenance and improvements.

The school has been able to complete several major improvements to its buildings, grounds, and facilities with the aid of the Fund. Without contributions from families, these improvements would not have been possible.

To fund future works, we need your help. The suggested amount is a standing order of £10.00 per month per family to the Fund:

Account name:       The Governors of Christ Church Primary School

Account number:    77819308

Sort code:               09-01-51

Reference:              Surname(s) of child(ren)

Whether you are a new parent or have had children at the school for some years, please do consider contributing. Some may be able to give more than the suggested donation, others less; but whatever the amount, please remember that your contribution is vital to access further funds to benefit the school and its pupils. Without the vital contribution from the majority of parents at our school, we will not be able to fund all necessary improvements to our buildings. With the reduction of Government funding, we are more reliant than ever on your contribution.

If you have any questions about the Fund, please don’t hesitate to contact John Shepherd, Chair of Governors or our Treasurer, Tom Hawkins-McKay via the Governor's email Governors@ccp.rbksch.org or school office.

Thank you for your support.