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Quick Links

Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 webpage!

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Tait (King Class) or Mrs Bane (Seacole Class) via the School Office or at the classroom door at drop-off/pick-up.

Important Information

'Meet the Teacher' Presentation September 2023

Monday - Homework given out

Tuesday - Small group of Year 6 swimmers @ Grand Avenue

Wednesday -

Thursday - PE (indoors)

Friday - PE (outdoors)

Named water bottles - please remember it is important that your child brings water to drink during the day; this is one way to ensure that their brains are working to their full potential.

Curriculum Newsletters

Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter

Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter

Summer 2 Curriculum Newsletter

PE Kit

On PE days, children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit.

PE kit:

a plain light-blue t-shirt

dark coloured jogging bottoms/shorts

single colour trainers

For reasons of safety, the wearing of jewellery is discouraged. 




Homework is given out on a Monday to be completed for the following Monday.  It consists of a maths activity, English activity, spellings and another activity related to the class learning.