Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 webpage!
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Leigh/Ms Woodhead (Curie Class) or Mrs Hines/Mrs Piper (Hawking Class) via the School Office or at the classroom door at drop-off/pick-up.
Important Information
'Meet the Teacher' Presentation September 2023
Monday – 1H Nature Area
Tuesday – 1H Indoor PE
Wednesday – 1C Nature Area. 1H & 1C Library session.
Thursday - 1C Indoor PE
Friday - 1H and 1C Outdoor PE
Named water bottles - please remember it is important that your child brings water to drink during the day; this is one way to ensure that their brains are working to their full potential.
Curriculum Newsletters
Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter
PE Kit
On PE days, children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit.
PE kit:
a plain light-blue t-shirt
dark coloured jogging bottoms/shorts
single colour trainers
For reasons of safety, the wearing of jewellery is discouraged.
Please read with your child for at least 10 minutes every evening. Encourage your child to talk about the text and, if possible, give them the opportunity to read aloud.
In addition to the Relaxed Reader books your child brings home from school, please also see and log in to read the E-Books your child has been allocated to support their Bug Club phonics learning.
By the end of Year One, we aim for all children to be confident with recognising, blending and applying all sounds in Phases Two, Three and Five.
Please check Google Classroom for the games we recommend for you to play with your child to support their phonics learning. Each week the children will learn / revisit some phonic sounds, please check the weekly homework sheet on Google Classroom to find out which sounds to practice at home.
The homework can be found on Google Classroom every Monday afternoon and please complete with your child and upload by the following Monday. Homework in Year One consists of reading, a phonics activity and a maths or other curriculum subject activity.